Thursday 19 August 2010

Plane to Shanghai


Today we said "Bei Bei" to Beijing (that doesn't work) and "Hi" to Shanghai (that does). We had to catch an early flight so it we had to be up at the crack of dawn so we were a little weary. The airport was stunning looking like a cross between the telly tubby house and Terminal 5 at Heathrow.


Most useless sign ever? "You're here"

The flight passed without event, except for a brief cushion fight prior to departure and a double belt buckle attack (the downside to sitting next to Martin)




Arriving in Shanghai and we were already blown away with how different it was to Beijing. It's a much younger city with the temples replaced with skyscrapers, perhaps these were just temples attempting to get closer to the gods; Some were really tall. The city looked a lot like any American downtown city, but with much more interesting architecture...and we had blue sky!

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